Thursday, 19 March 2009

A Repurposed-Driven Life

I've recently been inspired by my friend Nicki's new motto: living a repurposed-driven life. Then My friend, Laura, told me a really easy way to repurpose...wait for onions (bear with me here). When you buy green onions, aka scallions, at the store, they have all their little roots still attached. I usually just cut off the bottom of the bulb and compost it but if you put those little bulbs in a pot of soil you will be amazed what happens in just a few days:

The white part is where I cut the bulbs off and the green growth started the same day I planted them! When they get a little bigger, you can just snip off the tops and use them as you would use chives or scallions. I will be using mine in a new salad dressing I just invented.

Molly's 'Ranch' Dressing
1 cup of plain yogurt
1/4 cup green onions, finely diced
1 T extra virgin olive oil
1 lemon wedge squeezed in the dressing
- mix it all up and thin it with water to your preference. You can add any other spices, herbs, or seeds you like. It tastes great (if I do say so myself) and is much lower in fat, sugar, and all the bad stuff you find in commercial dressings. Enjoy!

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