We just came home from a week at George's childhood summer home, Lake Bluff, NY. The occasion was a reunion inspired by the 100th anniversary of when the Beckers first came to the Bluff, but really it was just a great excuse for 100 or so "Bluffers" to reunite for one big weekend. It is a rare event when all four of the Becker sibling and their families get together and I think we all tried to make the most of it. We had such a great time bonding with nieces, nephews, siblings and cousins and listening to the older generation reminisce. The amazing part is that in 4 generations, the experience at Lake Bluff has not changed that much! Here are my top 10 Bluff highlights from this trip:
- Giving Emily, Evelyn, and Johnny horsey-back rides at sunset until the bugs got too bad
- Jetting off to Mills for giant "baby" ice cream cones before they close at 9:30. Oh yeah, and Amish soft-serve with George.
- Playing inter-generational 4 on 4 tennis and ladder golf
- Learning how to do a passable cannonball from Devin in the bay
- Catching fireflies with Morgan, Connor, and Mitchell and having them teach me how to tell males and females apart.
- Hiking, no, poison-ivy-dodging, at Chimney Bluffs with Kara
- Watching the water snake hunt fish during the Connelly's picnic with about 30 other Bluffers of all ages
- Playing cards with nieces and nephews on our knees to help
- Taking the boat over to Sodus point for lunch and watching Meg crawl into the Barf Ball
- Seeing the memorabilia at Jeff and Ruth's house...especially the pictures of Bluffers 3 generations ago doing the exact same things we are doing today!