Thursday, 30 July 2009

100th Anniversary Lake Bluff Reunion

We just came home from a week at George's childhood summer home, Lake Bluff, NY. The occasion was a reunion inspired by the 100th anniversary of when the Beckers first came to the Bluff, but really it was just a great excuse for 100 or so "Bluffers" to reunite for one big weekend. It is a rare event when all four of the Becker sibling and their families get together and I think we all tried to make the most of it. We had such a great time bonding with nieces, nephews, siblings and cousins and listening to the older generation reminisce. The amazing part is that in 4 generations, the experience at Lake Bluff has not changed that much! Here are my top 10 Bluff highlights from this trip:
  1. Giving Emily, Evelyn, and Johnny horsey-back rides at sunset until the bugs got too bad
  2. Jetting off to Mills for giant "baby" ice cream cones before they close at 9:30. Oh yeah, and Amish soft-serve with George.
  3. Playing inter-generational 4 on 4 tennis and ladder golf
  4. Learning how to do a passable cannonball from Devin in the bay
  5. Catching fireflies with Morgan, Connor, and Mitchell and having them teach me how to tell males and females apart.
  6. Hiking, no, poison-ivy-dodging, at Chimney Bluffs with Kara
  7. Watching the water snake hunt fish during the Connelly's picnic with about 30 other Bluffers of all ages
  8. Playing cards with nieces and nephews on our knees to help
  9. Taking the boat over to Sodus point for lunch and watching Meg crawl into the Barf Ball
  10. Seeing the memorabilia at Jeff and Ruth's house...especially the pictures of Bluffers 3 generations ago doing the exact same things we are doing today!
Although cell phones and internet have now arrived at The Bluff, it will always be a place of tranquitilty for us. I filmed this video on one of the special nights where all the Bluffers gathered at sunset and sang a song composed just for the occasion. Also, check out the Lake Bluff album in Our Albums to the right. But be forewarned, it is a cuteness explosion!

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