Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Why I am loving the Organic Box Scheme

I recently attended a talk entitled "Reconnecting Consumers, Producers and Food" and was inspired to rethink where, why, and how we get our food. I already do my best to grow my own vegetables, make food from scratch, and buy as locally as I can, but this talk really opened my eyes to the problems that supermarkets create. For example, because giant supermarket can fix prices as they see fit, farmers can't make a decent living anymore. And about 30% of all produce farmers grow is thrown out because it doesn't fit supermarket standards (ie. peppers that are a certain size and shape). Furthermore, since supermarkets want all of their produce to be identical, farmers only grow a few varieties of crops, letting all the other seed varieties be lost!

So, now we are getting our produce delivered to our door once a week by local organic growers! We've joined the Cambridge Organic Food Company box scheme and the above picture is part of what arrived at our door on the first day. One of the best things about this scheme is that it is a big surprise what we will get! Yesterday I got a weird purple vegetable which Google Images has identified for me as Kohlrabi. Anyone have any good kohlrabi recipes? I'm excited to expand my cooking skills!

1 comment:

Laura Huntley said...

Hey Molly,
Kohlrabi is great, although I've not had good luck with growing it in So. Calif. They usually come out really puny. Try shaving it into a salad with Fennel and rocket with a nice shallot viniagrette. You can also roast them with other root vegetables with rosemary and olive oil. Let me know how it comes out!
Glad to hear you are going local and harvesting your own veggies too...will send photos of the Huntley Harvest shortly.
